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Patagonia field work — Update #2

February 15, 2012

Field work is going well. Weather doing what it does down here, mostly a mix of clouds and sun, very windy, with occasional periods of rain. Typical Patagonia.

Yesterday, we made our way up a mountain to check out the strata exposed there and to get a view of regional relationships. One of the objectives of the work we are doing down here is to link very detailed sedimentological information (bed-scale sedimentary structures and ‘architectural’ scale stratigraphy) with basin-scale patterns (changes across several to many tens of kilometers). The patterns that fill a sedimentary basin span many orders of magnitude spatially and temporally.

To get a good sense of these larger-scale patterns we need to get up on top of mountains to get a vantage not available in the valleys. A result of doing these hikes — in addition to me feeling very sore and tired afterwards — is the opportunity for spectacular views of the landscape. The photo at the top is a view of the famous Paine Massif (a Miocene laccolith intruding into the Cretaceous turbidites we are studying) taken from such a vantage. And below is a short video from the ‘hiker’s perspective’ I took as we approached the top of this mountain.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. February 15, 2012 10:16 am

    Did you shoot that with a GoPro or was it just a handheld camera/video recorder? If GoPro, what harness were you using?

  2. Jeff Sherry permalink
    February 15, 2012 12:37 pm

    Sounded very windy. Reminded me of standing on top of a hill/mt. of T.R. Park North where I couldn’t stand for fear of being blown down.

  3. February 17, 2012 10:42 pm

    Thanks for taking time to do the updates! Enjoying them!

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